How can you help me get my prototype made?
The word ‘prototype’ is confusing! We used to think this meant only 1 or 2 parts and could only be achieved economically through Additive Manufacturing processes.
Today, however, that is certainly not the case and options are limitless and exciting!
We apply both additive manufacturing techniques and more conventional subtractive techniques to the direct manufacture or use tooling and moulding for a wide range of batch sizes where others fear to tread!
We appreciate there are more and more companies turning to online ordering systems to reduce staff overheads. It sounds great, upload your data and it’s possible for parts to be turned around in 24 hours, but this really is only applicable when a) you already have data, and b) you know exactly that this process is right for your geometry. What happens when you aren’t sure about either of the above or you have a complex part and simply need some advice?
This is where Plunkett Associates step in! Our expertise within the newest innovative processes and materials, access to a well trusted team of suppliers, along with our love of a challenge, allows us to be completely client driven rather than capacity directed, putting your needs at the top of our priority list.
Cost effective low volume production
Traditionally there has always been a huge gulf between prototyping and the other end of the scale, high volume production. At Plunkett Associates we pride ourselves in being able to bridge the gap, filling the void in the middle and are well able to provide both.
We have spent a great deal of time and effort to adapt various technologies to be more cost effective for low volume production quantities. The most significant of these is our work with injection mould tooling.
Injection moulding as low as 20 off
Our Low Volume Production (LVP) tooling involves a hybrid of techniques with the exact configuration being customised to the client/geometry/quantities. The result is a mould tool that reflects the requirement and opens up an exciting option to produce high quality, yet low volume components.
As a result, we now injection mould on a regular basis from quantities as low as 20 and compete with the more common vacuum casting options at this price point.
Ensuring the design addresses the strength of the process
We also support ‘design for manufacture’. Ensuring that the design is optimised for the manufacturing route selected can be time consuming.
We save you the hassle by working with a huge range of processes to ensure that the optimum solution is found and that the design addresses the strength of the process, rather than being at odds with it.
Ultimately, we know we can help you! With a wide range of manufacturing options at our disposal we are well placed to highlight the different options based on differing quantities, so please give us a call.